Zhang Yihua: male, born in Shunchang, Fujian Province, associate professor
Education background
Bachelor: 1985.09-1989.06, computational mathematics and management, Nankai University
Master: 2003.09-2005.06: quantitative economics, Huaqiao University
Main courses
portfolio management, statistics, econometrics, management
Research interests
asset allocation, market research
Research results
Research papers
1.Evaluation and Optimization ofUrban Land-Use Efficiency: A Case Study in Sichuan Province of China. Sustainability 2021, 13
2. Empirical Analysis of Social Functions of Industry Associations Based on Different Generation Modes, Annual Meeting of Haixi Economic Operation Efficiency and Risk Assessment, 2013.05
Research projects
1. (chair) class a of Provincial Department of Education: the impact of Xiamen Zhangzhou Quanzhou integration on the functional orientation of industry associations
statistics, ISBN 978-7-5141-8538-6, chief edited, textbook of the 13th five year plan of the Ministry of finance, Beijing: Economic Science Press, December 2018
In 2011, university "Huang Zongying scholarship".
In 2012, advanced individual of teachers' morality.